February 2022

The Beauty of Redemption

We need a redeemer because we cannot save ourselves. And our redemption was costly.  Isaiah 1:21-31

January 2022

Draw Near to God

Scripture tells us that if we draw near to God He will draw near to us. How do we do this? It starts with acceptable worship. Isaiah 1:10-20

What We Need

Isaiah begins by convicting the people of their sins. We too need to be convicted of our sins and repent.  Isaiah 1:2-9

Isaiah – Timeless

How can a book written before 700 BC be relevant today. Join us as we begin to explore the book of Isaiah.  Isaiah 1:1

A Time for a Change

December 2021

Christmas is over – What Now

So, what happened after the manger and the visit from the shepherds? In this message we focus is on the fulfillment of prophecies and the significance of these events in the lives of various characters. We cover cover Mary and Joseph’s observance of the Law in presenting Jesus at the temple, Simeon’s prophetic encounter, Anna’s […]

A Christmas Visitation

As we gather during this Christmas season, where family, friends, and unexpected guests come together, we reflect on the profound visitations woven into the Christmas story. The angelic encounters with Mary and Zechariah, particularly through the messenger Gabriel, play a pivotal role in conveying God’s transformative plan. Gabriel, whose name signifies “God is my strength,” […]

12/12/21 A Prophetic Christmas – Christmas Mystery

In the midst of the Christmas season, the greatest mystery in all of history unfolds. The Bible, a narrative of God’s people from Genesis to the prophetic words of Malachi, reveals a 400-year period of divine silence before the emergence of Jesus. Amid geopolitical changes and shifts in power, God’s people clung to hope for […]

The Messiah

Embark on a timeless Christmas tradition as families queue in malls, children sit on the lap of a red-suited man, and wishes are shared for a photograph. Yet, beyond the holiday cheer lies a profound exploration of prophecy. Centuries before Jesus, Old Testament prophets predicted a Messiah’s arrival in over 300 prophecies detailing lineage, birth, […]

November 2021

Bearing the Load – Galatians 6

Walking in the Spirit – Galatians 5 16-26

Serve Each Other in Love – Galatians 5:13-15

Running the Race – Galatians 5:7-11

October 2021

What Really Matter – Galatains 5:1-6