November 2022

Picking The Wrong Fight

Pride goes before destruction. This message is from Isaiah 37. 

That The World May Know

What is the most important relationship we can have? This message is from Isaiah 37

Only Thing That Counts

October 2022

Whom Do You Trust-Isaiah 36

The inevitable is going to happen. The Assyrians are on the doorstep of Jerusalem an want to negotiate a surrender. But Hezekiah has other plans. In whom does he trust? In the only one who really matters. This message is from Isaiah 36. 

Restoration – Isaiah 35

God has a purpose for all that He has done and all He has created. 

The Coming Wrath

We don’t want to think about God’s wrath, but it will come one day.

Finding God In Our Failures

When we finally get to the bottom of our lives, this is when God can do something amazing. This sermon is from Isaiah 33 

Corruption & Transformation

Our world is full of corruption. What we need are righteous leaders. One day we will have a truly righteous leader in Jesus Christ when He returns.

September 2022

God Is Everything We Need

What do you value most in your life? What do you put your trust in?

The Ways of God

What do you value most in your life? What do you put your trust in? Isaiah 30:1-33

God’s Terms

Where is your heart? Is it divided? Our hearts were made to worship God on His terms, not ours.  Isaiah 29:1-24

A Sure Foundation – Isaiah 28

What is the foundation for your life? Is it what the world offers?  Isaiah 28:1-29

August 2022

Jesus Warrior King

Our world is full of chaos. But the day is coming when the Leviathan of chaos will be destroyed.  Isaiah 27:1-13

Peace Peace

Is it possible to have peace on earth? Not without the Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 26:1-21